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24 September 2011

UK Government response to EC Green Paper on Modernising the Professional Qualifications Directive

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The UK Government welcomes the review of the Recognition of the Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EC), as one of the European Commission's 12 levers to boost growth in the single market.

The modernisation of the Professional Qualifications Directive comes at crucial time in the economies of the European Union. Decreasing public budgets and difficult economic circumstances cast new light on systems which originate from past decades, and create an urgency to ensure that these systems do not hinder economic growth.

The UK Government makes the following main points in response to proposals:

  • The most effective way of enabling the free movement of professionals will be to reduce the number of regulated professions. A new Directive should include a mechanism through which Member States check their regulatory provisions, apart from those related to healthcare professions, and remove them if they are not proportionate.
  • Further evidence is needed before introducing professional cards, for a number of reasons outlined in the response. An impact assessment is needed to show the economic and practical costs and benefits of this proposal.
  • To speed the processing of applications, greater mutual assistance needs to take place between Competent Authorities. In addition to mandatory use of IMI and a proactive alert system, networks of Competent Authorities should meet to share best practice and to understand different regulatory systems.
  • The UK Government looks forward to further work to modernise the minimum training standards related to doctors, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, dentists, veterinary surgeons and architects. To build further trust, all courses related to these professions should be reported for compliance to the Commission at least every ten years.
  • The UK Government supports a requirement to make application forms and more information available online. These should be linked to Points of Single Contact set up under the Services Directive.

It is the UK Government's view that these points should be prioritised when drafting a new legislative proposal for the Professional Qualifications Directive. In many cases, work to implement these proposals in practice can start before a new Directive is agreed.

Full response

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