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19 December 2012


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The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) will assess the impact of the Solvency II Long-Term Guarantees (LTG) package, as requested by the Trilogue parties (the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission).

  • The Long Term Guarantee Assessment (LTGA) is being done at the request of the Trilogue parties in the context of the negotiations of the Omnibus II Directive;
  • The LTGA will be launched on 28 January 2013 with participating undertakings expected to submit results by the end of March 2013.

The goal of the LTGA is to assess the effects that the implementation of the various elements of the package may have on policyholders and beneficiaries, insurance and reinsurance undertakings, supervisory authorities and the financial system as a whole.

The launch of the LTGA exercise is scheduled for 28 January 2013 and it will be conducted in cooperation with national supervisory authorities. It is envisaged that EIOPA will publish its report on the LTGA in June 2013.

Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of EIOPA, said: “I welcome the request from the EU political institutions to run this important impact assessment. In line with our mandate, EIOPA will provide the EU political institutions with an independent supervisory assessment of the different measures tested. I am confident that this assessment will provide sufficient information to support the co0legislators in bringing the Omnibus II legislative process to a timely conclusion”.

Press release


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