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10 January 2011

CEA-Bericht: Solvency II für alle anwendbar machen

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The CEA believes that significantly more needs to be done to help make the implementation of the EU’s new Solvency II regulatory regime workable for all (re)insurers. Small and medium-sized insurers in particular are concerned about undue complexity and administrative burdens.

To contribute to the ongoing work on the drafting of the Level 2 implementing measures and Level 3 guidelines relating to all three pillars of the new regime, the CEA has sent a technical publication entitled “Solvency II: Making it workable for all” to the European Commission and the Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors. The publication contains proposals for ways to ensure that the measures and guidelines are not unduly complex or burdensome, while still maintaining an appropriate reflection of risk.

© CEA - Comité Européen des Assurances

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