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25 October 2011


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EIOPA has refused to rule out applying Solvency II capital rules to retirement schemes, despite reassurances last week from a top European commissioner that the EC “knows the difference” between insurance companies and pension funds.

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority published its second consultation on the legislative framework for the Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision Directive. The group is seeking advice on the extent to which the Directive should mirror other pieces of financial legislation - in particular Solvency II. It said: "Advice is sought on the extent to which the legislative framework for IORPs should be similar to that for other financial institutions and products, in particular the Solvency II framework for insurance".

The potential application of the Solvency II regime to pension funds, however, continues to attract debate with pension funds, trade unions and associations arguing that such a move could limit their ability to invest in riskier assets. At last week’s annual National Association of Pension Funds conference, held in Manchester, Joanne Segars, chief executive at the NAPF, said: “We have particular concerns around some aspects of the proposals relating to the suggestion that we take elements of Solvency II and apply that to defined benefit pensions. We have certainly been strident in saying it will be extremely damaging to the future of DB, will increase costs and likely increase the closure of DB schemes in the UK.”

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