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17 June 2015


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EIOPA published the second set of questions and answers as well as the updated DC reporting template and the DC calculation tool for the occupational pensions stress test and quantitative assessment.

The stress test has been designed for the countries where the IORP sector exceeds 500 million euros in assets. The following Member States fall within this scope: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia and the UK.

The exercise is conducted in close cooperation with the NSAs: the NSAs will identify and contact prospective participants in the test. As of now, EIOPA will provide industry participants with the regular updates on the status and all the upcoming steps of the stress test. 

This QA is an important input to EIOPA’s work on solvency for IORPs and will shape the own initiative advice to the European Commission. The aim of the quantitative assessment is to collect evidence and to assess the appropriateness of EIOPA’s proposals that were publicly consulted in 2014. Those proposals elaborate on concepts for the use of the holistic balance sheet and possible supervisory responses, with a focus on the valuation of technical provisions and sponsor support.

Full press release

Occupational pensions stress test

Quantitative assessment


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