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07 July 2016


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Following a hearing at the ECON Committee, a large majority of Coordinators were satisfied that Vice-President Dombrovskis is in a position to assume the portfolio that is transferred to him and look forward to a strong leadership in a key file for the stability of the EU.

This was communicated to the Conference of Presidents in a letter from the Chair of the ECON Committee, Roberto Gualtieri, addressed to the President Schulz.

Vice-President Dombrovskis was heard yesterday at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON Committee) following President Juncker's decision to transfer the Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union portfolio to Vice-President Dombrovskis after Commissioner Hill resigned last week.

The letter from the ECON Chair was considered at the Conference of Presidents meeting this morning, which took note and endorsed the position from the ECON Committee.

Full press release

© The Guardian

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