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22 September 2016


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The Guidance identifies 19 of the total 29 Core Principles where additional guidance is needed, and both Essential Criteria and Additional Criteria which have specific relevance to the financial inclusion context.

This document reflects comments received during a consultation period and builds on past work by the Committee to elaborate additional guidance in the application of the Committee's Core principles for effective banking supervision to the supervision of financial institutions engaged in serving the financially unserved and underserved. This includes a report of the Range of practice in the regulation and supervision of institutions relevant to financial inclusion, and expands on Microfinance activities and the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision

The Guidance identifies 19 of the total 29 Core Principles where additional guidance is needed, and both Essential Criteria and Additional Criteria which have specific relevance to the financial inclusion context. Many of the unserved and underserved customers reside in countries that are not BCBS members. In recognition of this, the Guidance is intended to be useful to both BCBS member and non-member jurisdictions, including those jurisdictions in which supervisors are striving to comply with the Core Principles and who may implement this Guidance gradually over time.

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