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04 February 2013


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Attached to the President's letter is a detailed paper that summarises the rationale behind the EU's trade policy and the changing nature of the trade agenda, and sets out the main policy orientations the EU should consider for the future. (Includes link to speech in plenary session.)

"Trade is an essential lever in our strategy to boost growth and jobs in the EU… In the future, 90 per cent of world-wide growth is expected to be generated outside Europe", the President said. "Grasping the opportunities offered by these external sources of growth will be critical for the future dynamism and sustainability of our economy."

He added: "What is at stake is not just the capacity to maintain or expand market shares but also the ability of the EU to compete; to attract global investment and join global value chains; and to help our citizens and businesses to take up opportunities across the world".

The President went on to add that: "While preserving and reinforcing the centrality of the multilateral trading system is in our long-term strategic interest, in the current environment we must also be more proactive in our bilateral relationships".

"While the EU overall is doing well in terms of global trade, the situation inside the EU differs from one Member State to another and between sectors and regions. We need to address these issues in our economic and structural policies, namely in the framework of the ongoing reforms for competitiveness. And our commitment to open markets will continue to be upheld by our capacity to act against anti-competitive trade practices, through the appropriate instruments."

Full letter

Contribution from the Commission to the February European Council debate on trade, growth and jobs

See also Speech by President Barroso during the key debate on the preparation of the European Council, 6.2.13

© European Commission

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