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19 November 2016


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Sixty Tory MPs including seven ex-Cabinet ministers have demanded Theresa May pulls Britain out of the single market and customs union amid fears her Brexit stance could be watered down.

Michael Gove, Iain Duncan Smith, John Whittingdale and Theresa Villiers are among the leading Eurosceptics to put their names to the negotiation demand.

The politicians have gone public through The Telegraph amid concerns that pro-EU figures in the Cabinet are fighting to soften the Government’s Brexit position.

The Eurosceptics said only the cleanest Brexit can fulfil the country’s referendum call to “untie ourselves from EU shackles and freely embrace the rest of the world”.

However, critics warned leaving the single market and customs union would establish barriers to trade that were not voted for in the referendum.

The decision to go public with the call coincides with the relaunch of the European Research Group, a pro-Brexit Tory body that will keep up pressure on the Government.

It will produce new thinking and policy ideas for Britain’s future after Brexit as well as being a constant reminder to ministers of the strength of Euroscepticism on the Tory backbenches. [...]

Full piece on The Telegraph (subscription required)


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