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18 September 2014


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EV has obtained a draft schedule of the hearings for the candidate Commissioners. Hearings will begin on Monday 29 September. Jonathan Hill is pencilled in for 1 October.

According to the draft, Finland’s Jyrki Katainen, put forward as vice-president for jobs, growth, investment and competitiveness, will be facing questions from five committees. The main committees will be the economics, employment, and industry committees, with additional questions from the transport and regional development committees.

Frans Timmermans, the Dutch nominee to become first vice-president for better regulation, inter-institutional relations, rule of law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, will be questioned by four committees. This will also be the case for Vĕra Jourova, the Czech nominee to be commissioner for justice, consumers and gender equality, and Günther Oettinger, the German nominee to be commissioner for digital economy and society.

European Voice (Subscription required.)

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