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30 November 2010

ECON committee: Almunia presented the state of play and priorities of competition policy

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Seit Beginn der Krise hat die Europäische Kommission Beihilfen für über €4.500 Mrd. genehmigt, fast 39% des BIP der EU. Almunia kündigte an, dass die Kommission bereits 2012 beabsichtige, zu den normalen Regelungen für staatliche Beihilfen zurückzukehren, vorausgesetzt die Marktbedingungen erlauben dies.

In 2009 Member States have used only part of the amount destined for State aid, approximating around 10% of EU GDP.  The Commission can only assess aid against the benchmark of competition rules.

The EC is following the unfolding story of how the markets react to the efforts towards fiscal consolidation in some Euro Area countries.

Accordingly, on 1 December, Commissioner Almunia will propose to the College the extension of some of the temporary measures into 2011. The proposal will phase out unnecessary measures, but it will continue to support firms’ efforts to export and innovate in difficult times. It will also continue to help banks deal with the remaining balance-sheet problems.

© European Commission

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