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29 April 2013


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A key architect of the European tax on financial transactions has vowed to defend the proposal, in the face of a barrage of opposition.

Speaking to Financial News last week, Anni Podimata, Greek socialist Member of the European Parliament, who has spent the past three years leading negotiations to introduce the FTT, said: “I urge every Member State to stick on this and try to work collectively. Myself and the Parliament will not allow the proposal to end up as a skeleton. We have to defend it to the end.”

The tax, which is being introduced by 11 Member States, has come under sustained fire, with the UK last week lodging a complaint against it in the European Court of Justice. The UK is concerned over the extra-territorial implications of the tax.

Podimata said: "It is important that the Parliament can demonstrate to EU citizens that the financial sector is assuming a fair cost for the crisis".

Full article (FN subscription required)

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