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19 July 2010

CRIS committee: consideration of amendments on the Draft report on the financial, economic and social crisis

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Frau Beres anerkannte die Notwendigkeit der Zusammenarbeit mit dem ECON-Ausschuß im Bereich Wirtschaftspolitik und bekräftigte ihr Engagement für offene Märkte. Sie unterstrich auch die Bedeutung einer guten Regulierung und deren ordnungsgemäßer Funktion.

Ms. Beres expressed her disagreement with the proposed idea of the introduction of sanctions.
Nevertheless, she pointed out that if a system of penalties was to be adopted it should be done according to the International Monetary Fund model that would oblige countries to increase certain taxes in order to consolidate public funds. Finally, she stressed the importance of addressing the inherent social issues in the report.
The following speakers intervene in the debate:
      Mr KariĦš (EPP, LV) welcomed Ms Beres' suggestion to come up with a common compromise report that could gain a majority vote within the Parliament.
      Mr Schmidt (ALDE, SE) wished his group had presented a more coordinated approach to the report and promised to do so in the future. He suggested that the Committee should concentrate more on the consensual parts of the report such as economic governance and he believed that work in the CRIS Committee was well advanced when compared with Mr Van Rompuy's Task Force.
      Mr Kalfin (S&D, BG) expressed caution with regard to reaching a consensus on the report.
·         Nevertheless, he thought it important to try to obtain a text broadly acceptable to all political groups in the Parliament either by agreeing on the lowest common denominator or by producing an ambitious document presenting a modern vision for a post-crisis Europe.

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