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15 June 2013

President Barroso's speaking points at press conference with Italian Prime Minister Letta

Barroso and Letta discussed i.a. two critical points of national and European agendas: tackling the current economic crisis and fighting unemployment – in particular, youth unemployment.

"Last month, the Commission recommended the closing of the Excessive Deficit Procedure for Italy, which is also a clear sign of the success of recent fiscal consolidation. I would like to share this success with the Italians. While fiscal consolidation continues to be necessary – particularly in countries with high debt, and this is the case of Italy – we also need growth-orientated policies.

Structural reforms are one way to restore competitiveness and bring back growth, sustainable growth. We must use the breathing space we have to push forward these reforms, as we recently set out in our Country Specific Recommendations.

I have very much appreciated, Prime-Minister, the fact that you have put the Country Specific Recommendations for Italy at the centre of your priorities for the government and for the reforms that I know you are very committed to pursue in Italy. But we know, at the same time, that these reforms take time to produce effects, and we need to move more rapidly to address the most pressing problems, particularly youth unemployment and the financing of the economy.

Together with the efforts for the Banking Union, and there I would also like to thank Italy for its commitment and support to this agenda, there are two main priorities for the next European Council. Youth employment and financing to the economy. And I believe we need a new consensus, what I have called a new European consensus where, instead of long debates about austerity and growth, the Heads of State and Government agree a set on concrete policies on these areas: how to fight youth unemployment and how to restore financing to the economy...

Italy and the European Commission share a common purpose regarding growth, the need to restore sustainable growth in Europe and in the World. And I am looking forward to be in Northern Ireland with Prime Minister Letta, discussing with other leaders, what we can do also at global level in terms of trade, in terms of taxation, in terms of increase transparency, to push forward our agenda for growth and jobs."

Press release

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