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08 October 2021

CDSB: IFRS Technical Readiness Working Group: purpose and progress

The IFRS Foundation has today published a webcast explaining the role of the Technical Readiness Working Group (TRWG), which was created by the Foundation’s Trustees in March 2021 to do preparatory work for the proposed International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).

The webcast introduces the member bodies of the TRWG and provides a high-level summary of its work programme.

The purpose of the TRWG is to give the proposed ISSB a running start, enabling it to respond to investors’ urgent demands for improved transparency and consistency in company reporting on sustainability matters as well as their need to assess how the sustainability performance of a company affects the creation of value, in order to make investment decisions. The TRWG is building on the work of long-standing international sustainability reporting initiatives focused on enterprise value.

The TRWG will provide recommendations for the ISSB’s consideration.

The webcast is introduced by Lee White, Executive Director of the IFRS Foundation, and presented by the following members of the TRWG (in alphabetical order by organisation):

  • Mardi McBrien, Climate Disclosure Standards Board
  • Sue Lloyd, International Accounting Standards Board; and
  • Curtis Ravenel, Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
  • Janine Guillot, Value Reporting Foundation
  • Olivier Schwab, World Economic Forum



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