The UK Treasury and the FSA issued a discussion paper on the review of the Lamfalussy arrangements which are being reviewed at the end of the year.
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They recommend this package of measures comprise:
- the more systematic and regular use of colleges of supervisors to promote supervisory co-operation and information sharing between supervisors of a cross-border group;
- further developing the home-host framework through the creation of principles governing a more extensive delegation of tasks between supervisors (where this is judged to be appropriate). This could be developed by the Level III committees; and
- further use of delegation of, or sharing of, supervisory tasks, within supervisory colleges to avoid duplication of supervisory effort.
They also recommend more formalised reporting by the Level III committees to the Council and the European Parliament. In addition forms of majority voting could be used to expedite business.
Further recommendations include:
- Level III committees operate in accordance with a principles-based-approach, which aims to achieve equivalent regulatory outcomes.
- robust economic analysis be undertaken systematically by the Level III Committees when preparing advice to the European Commission.
- Member States should limit their use of national discretions to the minimum extent necessary and all Level III committees should introduce a “comply or explain” regime coupled with a comprehensive system of peer review.