CEIOPS publishes the list of insurance groups for which a college is in place
01 February 2010
As part of its convergence-related commitments, CEIOPS updates on an on-going basis its databases in relation to insurance groups supervision. CEIOPS legally recognizes the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) inside the list of colleges of supervisors.
As part of its convergence-related commitments, CEIOPS updates on an on-going basis its databases in relation to insurance groups supervision. The list of groups for which a college is in place aims at increased transparency and ensuring that non-EEA supervisors are aware of the existence of a college for a particular group.
In order to have a full overview of supervisory actions and arrangements, CEIOPS also recommends that the list below should be read together with the annual list of financial conglomerates (as updated on an annual basis and reported to the European Commission by the CEIOPS and CEBS through their Joint Committee on Financial Conglomerates).
Also, the list addresses only EU activities of non-EU managed groups, and for the EEA groups it covers only EEA and Swiss activities. The European supervisory arrangements presented below do not preclude the organization of additional colleges of supervisors on a world-wide level.
Aiming at increased transparency and ensuring that non-EEA supervisors are aware of the existence of a college for a particular group, CEIOPS today publishes the list of groups for which a college is in place. The list includes the name of the group and the authority of the lead supervisor.
CEIOPS members, together with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), have decided to include in the list FINMA’s participation in given colleges of supervisors. The list addresses only EU activities of non-EU managed groups, and for the EEA groups it covers only EEA and Swiss activities.