EIOPA publishes XBRL Taxonomy release 2.0.1 Candidate Recommendation

29 September 2015

This EIOPA Solvency II DPM and XBRL taxonomy package release 2.0.1 CR is distributed to the stakeholders for the review before the publication of the official 2.0.1 release to be used for the first submissions obligations.

This version incorporates the latest business changes on the Solvency II requirements, in particular:

In addition, it includes fixes to business and technical issues detected in version 2.0.0.

This release introduces also two specific changes for which EIOPA seeks feedback from the stakeholders in terms of the business and IT technical implementation:

Other issues can be reported however please note that the Taxonomy is very stable and for the full 2.0.1 release only bug fixing is planned.

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