In 2018, EIOPA addressed supervisory convergence from different perspectives and using different tools depending on the issue and risks at stake. Among others, the following deliverables were important milestones:
EIOPA also concluded three peer reviews on the principle of proportionality when assessing key functions, on the supervisory assessment of fitness and propriety and on the application of the prudent person rule for the supervision of occupational pension funds.
EIOPA continued to detect issues related to cross-border business activities provided through freedom to provide services. Using EIOPA's cooperation platforms preventive measures were timely identified and resulted in the successful implementation of relevant recovery measures and in two cases led to the liquidation of undertakings. EIOPA finalised the 1-year technical assistance to the Romanian national supervisory authority to strengthen its supervisory capacity.
In 2019, the priorities for 2018 remain but with new activities identified for each priority area. New supervisory activities include work on conduct of business supervisory practices under the Supervisory Handbook, analysis of the consistency of technical provisions best estimate calculation, analysis of the supervision of run-off undertakings as well as the promotion of supervisory convergence in the European pensions sector regarding the implementation of IORP II.
Furthermore, EIOPA will improve the follow up of EIOPA recommendations addressed to NCAs and continue to assess supervisory practices in general and on a thematic basis to foster supervisory convergence and consistent, high quality supervisory practices among NCAs for the benefit of the European citizens.