The paper sets out results of the survey on the functioning of the Co-ordination Committees (Co-Cos) in 2007-2008 and foreseen in 2009.
CEIOPS considers that the co-operation in Co-Cos is a very important part of supervision and recommends continuing to work on enhancing co-operation through increasing the frequency of contacts between all supervisors on an IG.
CEIOPS main proposals:
Ø CEIOPS advises all lead supervisors to consider whether and how to involve supervisors from other financial sectors, for example by inviting them to (parts of) their Co-Co meetings.
Ø CEIOPS would encourage Co-Cos to draft and adopt a workplan during their next Co-Co meeting.
Ø CEIOPS encourages lead supervisors to organise joint activities including joint inspections where these seem to be relevant.
Ø CEIOPS suggests to all lead supervisors to schedule telephone conferences and to discuss how to facilitate email information exchanges by encrypted emails.