EBA consults on draft Technical Standards for the definition of material risk-takers for remuneration purposes

21 May 2013

EBA launched a consultation paper on draft RTS on criteria to identify categories of staff whose professional activities have a material impact on an institution's risk profile. The consultation runs until 21 August, 2013.

These material risk-takers will be subject to specific provisions of the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) related, in particular, to the payment of variable remuneration.

The EBA proposes an identification process based on a combination of standard qualitative and quantitative criteria and internal criteria developed by the institutions. The objective of this combined approach is to ensure an appropriate harmonisation and level playing field across the EU while taking into account each institution’s risk profile.

Staff shall be identified as material risk-takers if they meet one or more of the following criteria:


A survey on the implementation of the Guidelines on Remuneration policies and practices published by the EBA in 2012 (1) demonstrated that the percentage of staff being ‘identified’ as material risk takers still differs significantly from one jurisdiction to the other. Moreover, the criteria used by the different institutions for the identification of risk takers did not always consider sufficiently the impact on the institution’s risk profile and therefore failed, sometimes, to appropriately identify staff members.
The final comprise on the Capital Requirements Regulation and Capital Requirements Directive (CRR/CRD) provides a mandate for the EBA to set out qualitative and quantitative criteria for the definition of material risk-takers, also called “identified staff”.

The draft Regulatory Technical Standards shall be submitted to the European Commission by the end of March 2014.

The consultation runs until 21 August, 2013.

Press release
