EBA publishes amended TS on supervisory and resolution reporting for EU institutions and the corresponding DPM and XBRL taxonomy 2.8

17 April 2018

These changes form part of the EBA reporting framework version 2.8, which will be applicable for submissions of data as of December 2018.

Amendments to the ITS on supervisory reporting

The updated ITS include:

New ITS on resolution reporting requirements

The final draft ITS brings the following changes:

Technical package for version 2.8 of the reporting framework

The documents published include the following:

Cooperation with the Single Resolution Board (SRB)

The EBA has cooperated closely with the SRB with regard to the reporting on resolution. The 2.8 version of the reporting framework also contains, for practical reasons, additional information required by the SRB beyond the minimum framework established in EBA ITS on resolution reporting requirements.


Reports with reference dates as of 31 December 2018 onwards are to use the new taxonomy set (2.8), which is related to the April 2018 framework release for the ITS on Supervisory Reporting and the ITS on resolution reporting.

Press release