The main objectives were:
Next steps:
During 2012, CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) and BCL (Banque Centrale du Luxembourg) will continue to monitor regularly the evolution and the impact of the new liquidity ratios on the local banking sector. It is planned to request data on a quarterly basis from those banks that have already participated in the two impact studies. All other credit institutions are invited to participate and to submit their respective data on a voluntary basis.
Regular reporting on at least a quarterly basis of the new ratios to the supervisory authorities will be based on harmonised standards currently developed by the European Banking Authority, and will start officially by January 1, 2013. After a transition period, the new ratios are expected to be binding as from January 1, 2015 for the LCR and probably January 1, 2018 for the NSFR, within the scope of application and following the operational details foreseen in the current Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV) proposal of the EU Commission (July 20, 2011).