EBA consults on the coverage of entities in banking group recovery plans

02 March 2017

The EBA launched a consultation on its draft Recommendation on the coverage of entities in banking group recovery plans, which is aimed at defining common criteria to identify entities (subsidiaries and branches) that need to be covered in group recovery plans, and the extent of such coverage.

The draft Recommendation envisages that the coverage of entities in a group recovery plan needs to be proportional, so that the amount of information will vary according to relevance of the entities. The European Banking Authority (EBA), therefore, recommends that – for recovery planning purposes - entities should be categorised as:

Different levels of information are identified for each category.  A transitional phase is included to allow the incorporation of available information from existing individual plans into group plans.

While the draft Recommendation does not interfere with the tasks and responsibilities of the home and host Competent Authorities under the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) and Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD), it is designed to limit requests for individual plans, based on an inadequate coverage of an entity in the group recovery plans. The Recommendation is also designed to support the effective assessment of group recovery plans in the context of the joint decision process on Recovery plans.

Comments to this consultation can be sent to the EBA by 02 June 2017. A public hearing will then take place at the EBA premises on 20 April 2017 from 13.00 to 16.00 UK time.

Press release

Consultation paper