Bank of England: Pillar 2 capital: Updates to the framework

13 March 2019

In this consultation paper, the Prudential Regulation Authority proposes to update the Pillar 2 capital framework to reflect continued refinements and developments in setting the PRA buffer (also referred to as Pillar 2B).

Since the PRA published its approach to setting the PRA buffer, the Bank of England’s (Bank’s) approach to stress testing has evolved. There have been changes to the stress testing hurdle rate and the way microprudential and macroprudential buffers interact. This in turn has implications for the way that the PRA buffer is calculated.

The PRA also proposes to clarify its approach to assessing weaknesses in risk management and governance, explain the process for updating the benchmarks used to calculate the Pillar 2A requirement for credit risk and correct some minor drafting errors that have been identified in previous publications.

The purpose of these proposals is to bring greater clarity, consistency and transparency to the PRA’s capital setting approach. In promoting a greater level of transparency, the PRA seeks to promote financial stability, the safety and soundness of PRA-authorised firms, and facilitate more informed and effective capital planning for banks.

The PRA proposes to implement the proposals in the CP by Tuesday 1 October 2019. This consultation closes on Thursday 13 June 2019.

Full news

Consultation paper

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