EBA publishes amended technical standards on supervisory and resolution reporting for EU institutions and the corresponding DPM and XBRL tax

28 May 2019

The updated corresponding Data Point Model (DPM) and XBRL taxonomy include amendments to COREP and Liquidity, as well as to resolution planning reporting.

These final draft ITS amending the European Commission's Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 on supervisory reporting aim to keep reporting requirements in line with changes in the regulatory framework and with the evolving needs for Supervisory Authorities' risk assessments. This first set of updated ITS include:

These final draft ITS will submitted to the European Commission for adoption together with the final draft ITS on FINREP changes, (launched for consultation on 28 August 2018) which is expected for early Q3 2019.

The documents covering modules on COREP, Liquidity and resolution planning published today include the following:

The EBA has cooperated closely with the SRB with regard to the reporting on resolution planning. This release of the DPM, validation rules and taxonomy includes, for practical reasons, additional information required by the SRB beyond the minimum framework established in the EBA ITS on resolution reporting requirements, namely new information on critical functions and financial market infrastructures as well as amendments to the liabilities data reporting.

Press release