The BSG is set up according to Article 37 of the EBA Founding Regulation, to help facilitate dialogue and consultation with stakeholders on the work of the EBA.
The BSG will compose of:
The EBA's BSG meets at least four times a year at the EBA’s office and on its own initiative when necessary. The EBA covers accommodation and travelling costs for the following categories of stakeholders: consumers, academics, employees and SMEs' representatives, and users of banking services. Each member of the EBA's BSG serves for a period of four years and individual terms can be renewed once.
The call for expressions of interest for membership to the BSG is open to candidates representing stakeholders across the European Union. The deadline for application is 3 April 2020.
Details on the selection process can be found in the selection procedure document.
The final decision on the composition of the BSG will be taken by the EBA's Board of Supervisors by mid-June 2020. Applicants will be informed accordingly by the end of June 2020 and the composition of the new BSG will be made available on the EBA's website. The first meeting of the newly composed BSG will be held on 7 July 2020.
The relevant documents for the application can be found at: https://eba.europa.eu/about-us/organisation/banking-stakeholder-group