SRB responses to the European Commission’s targeted consultation on the evaluation of state aid rules for banks in difficulty

08 June 2022

The evaluation covers the State aid rules for banks in difficulty set out in the various Commissioncommunications that have been adopted since 2008.

The Single Resolution Board has made a submission to the European Commission’s targeted consultation on the evaluation of state aid rules for banks in difficulty.

About the consultation

 The period under consideration starts with the
outbreak of the 2008 financial crisis and ends at the end of 2021.

The purpose of the consultation is to analyse the extent to which the Commission’s State aid rules for banks in difficulty preserved financial stability, while minimising competition distortions.

The Commission will evaluate how State aid rules contributed to tackling moral hazard through burden-sharing measures, and how they mitigated competition distortions stemming from the granting of aid. The evaluation will also assess to which extent the current rules are still fit for purpose, including in the context of the new regulatory environment, and whether there is potential to simplify them and improve their interaction with the crisis management and deposit insurance (CMDI) framework.

The consultation can be accessed here.


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