Any person or organisation with a legitimate interest can submit a change request in accordance with the rules described in section 3.2.3 “Submission of Change Requests to the Secretariat” of the current rulebook version (v1.0).
Stakeholders are kindly invited to submit their change requests by 31 March 2019 close of business. Change requests received after the deadline will be filed and considered for the next maintenance cycle.
What will happen next? The EPC will analyse the legal and technical feasibility of all change requests received. To ensure that they are supported by a broad community, the EPC will organise a three-month public consultation around the end of May 2019. The change requests that received broad acceptance will be included in the new SPL scheme rulebook which is anticipated to be published by April 2020.
The SEPA_Proxy Lookup (SPL) scheme rulebook
Template to Propose a Change to the SEPA_Proxy Lookup (SPL) Scheme Rulebook