Andrea Enria, Chairperson of the European Banking Authority said:"European banks have made significant progress in boosting their capital positions and in strengthening the overall resilience of the European banking system. With this recapitalisation exercise and a number of other EU-driven remedial actions, more than €200 billion has been injected into the European banking system.” He added: “Banks are now in a better shape to finance the real economy but must continue on the path designed by the new regulatory environment. For this reason, the EBA will ask banks to draw up capital plans to ensure a smooth convergence to the upcoming CRD IV/CRR requirements."
Final report on the Capital exercise
The report on banks’ measures taken to comply with the EBA Recommendation highlights the following:
Next steps and transition to the new CRD IV framework
Despite the positive outcome of the recapitalisation process, the market environment remains challenging. Additional efforts by banks are also required to meet the full CRD IV/CRR implementation, as shown by the recently published EBA Basel III monitoring report.
Therefore, the EBA decided that, once the new legal setting is adopted at EU level, a new Recommendation will be issued and will focus on capital conservation. Its aim will be to ensure that banks do not make strategic use of the capital accumulated in the last year, so as to be able to absorb unexpected losses and to support a smooth convergence to the CRD IV/CRR regulatory requirements.
This new EBA Recommendation will require banks to maintain an absolute amount of CT1 capital corresponding to the level of 9 per cent Core Tier One ratio at the end of June 2012. However, in specific cases, such as restructuring plans or de-risking, a bank may be allowed to go below the required amount of capital.
Banks will be asked to develop appropriate capital plans charting their pathway to CRD IV/CRR implementation. Those plans will be monitored by National supervisors in cooperation with the EBA and within colleges of supervisors.
Dividend distribution and other variable payments will be constrained for banks that would not be able to respect their plans in normal time and under stressed conditions.
The sovereign component of the capital buffers remains in force at September 2011 level until withdrawn and will be considered separately depending on the market environment.
Disclosure of individual banks' data
Together with the final report and to ensure a high level of transparency of the EU banking sector, the EBA publishes additional data provided by banks from their 30 June 2012 financial statements. The data disclosed include: capital composition and risk-weighted assets and the sovereign exposures as of December 2011 and June 2012.