On the capital side, the exercise estimated relatively low shortfalls of Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital, at EUR 1.7 billion, and of Tier 1 and total capital, at EUR 3.6 billion and EUR 5.1 billion respectively.
The analysis of leverage ratio (LR) shows that there has been a continuous increase in the last periods. The analysis estimates the LR at 5.0% as of December 2016 (4.7% as of June 2016). A small percentage of institutions in the sample (2.3%) would be constrained by the minimum leverage ratio requirement (3%) on top of risk-based minimum requirements.
On the liquidity side, the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) analysis is based on data in accordance with the Commission's Delegated Regulation. The average LCR was 139.5% at end December 2016 (133.7% as of June 2016), while 99.2% of the banks in the sample show a LCR above the full implementation minimum requirement applicable from January 2018 (100%). The shortfall to meet the full-implementation minimum LCR requirement would be EUR 0.1 billion. In addition, time-series analyses show that the weighted average LCR has increased since June 2011, mainly due an increase in banks' liquidity buffers.
In the absence of a finalised EU definition, the EBA monitors the NSFR compliance with the current Basel III standards. The analysis shows an overall average NSFR ratio of 112.0% (107.8% as of June 2016) with an overall shortfall in stable funding of EUR 116.1 billion.