On Tuesday, MEPs approved new rules to temporarily ensure favourable conditions for banks in order to support credit flows to companies and households and absorb losses, mitigating the severe economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the enforced confinement.
With a view to striking a balance between a robust and stable banking system and securing much-needed credit for the EU economy, MEPs agreed to apply specific changes to the capital requirements regulation (CRR), which will have to be coherently applied in the EU. Banks will have to monitor the effects of the pandemic on their balance sheets, pay close attention to non-performing loans and apply know-your-customer standards.
The adopted changes include:
In order to support funding options in non-euro member states fighting the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee reintroduced transitional arrangements related to preferential treatment for when governments and central banks are exposed to bonds denominated in currencies of non-euro member states and prolonged transitional with respect to their treatment under the large exposure limits.
Taking into account the extraordinary impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the extreme levels of volatility in the financial markets leading to increased yields for public debt and in turn to unrealised losses on banks' holdings of public debt, MEPs agreed to introduce a temporary prudential filter to calculate losses accumulated since 31 December 2019 and to neutralise their impact.
Next steps
The text was adopted with 41 votes to 16 and 2 abstentions.
The plenary session vote on the CRR quick fix will take place next week, on Friday 19 June.