European Corporate Governance Forum sets out best practices for directors' pay
The Forum suggests a directive as appropriate to ensure that listed companies disclose the remuneration policy and pay of individual directors. Rules should distinguish between executive pay in listed companies and the financial services sector.
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OECD consults on corporate governance and the financial crisis
The consultation provides input to a set of recommendations relating to the Principles of Corporate Governance in the light of the financial crisis that the OECD will issue later this year. It will identify the most urgent areas for reform.
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IASB and FASB announce further steps in response to global financial crisis
The boards agreed to work jointly towards common standards that deal with off balance sheet activity and the accounting for financial instruments. They will also work towards analysing loan loss accounting within the financial instruments project.
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CESR comments on IASB ED on consolidated financial statements
CESR would support a single consolidation principle and understands that the draft proposes a control-based model that implicitly incorporates some elements of the risks and rewards approach. However, CESR would prefer this incorporation to be explicit.
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EFRAG draft comment letter on FCAG’s request for input
The information needs of capital market participants are not the same as those of prudential regulators, EFRAG says. It is of fundamental importance that those different information needs mean different financial reporting objectives.
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IASB and FASB consult on a future standard on lease accounting
The Boards propose that lease accounting should be based on the principle that all leases give rise to liabilities for future rental payments and assets that should be recognised in an entity’s statement of financial position.
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EFRAG discussion paper on Performance Reporting
The discussion paper explores some key performance reporting issues that are of fundamental importance and are not covered in the IASB/FASB project on Financial Statement Presentation.
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