Furthermore, the Covered Bond Label Foundation is pleased to note that all Labelled Issuers from Germany, Ireland, Portugal and Singapore have fully transitioned to the HTT.
The Covered Bond Label Foundation would like to thank all the labelled issuers for their great work. The table below contains more information on the new issuers and covered bond jurisdictions which have published the HTT since April 2016.
The HTT plays a pivotal role in the Covered Bond Label’s efforts to facilitate investors’ due diligence and cross-border comparison of data in a centralised way and in a comparable format.
From the 1st of January 2016 onwards, with a phase-in period of one year, all issuers carrying the Covered Bond Label have to comply with the requirements of the 2016 Covered Bond Label Convention (available here), which entails publishing the HTT in order to disclose the data.
“With the quick adoption of the HTT, the Industry is demonstrating its commitment to transparency and its ability to self-regulate. More can be done, and will be done, to ensure that investors have at their fingertips all the information they need to take an informed investment decision. Investors, on their part, are showing a genuine interest in the HTT with their frequent and insightful comments and recommendations regarding the new format of disclosing information. This demonstrates the added value of the HTT to their activities.” Luca Bertalot, Covered Bond Label Foundation Administrator