“The Shortage of Risk Capital for Europe’s High Growth Businesses” was authored by AFME with the support of 12 other European organisations representing all the different stakeholders involved in pre-IPO finance. These include the European Investment Fund (EIF), seven other European trade associations representing business angels (BAE, EBAN), venture capital (Invest Europe), accountants (Accountancy Europe) and crowdfunding (ECN), as well as stock exchanges (FESE, Deutsche Bӧrse, LSE, Euronext, Nasdaq).
The report identifies the main barriers preventing the creation and growth of businesses in Europe and makes the following recommendations to address them:
There is a need to tackle the decline in IPOs, which play a crucial role in Europe’s economy. Theproposed Prospectus Regulation is a great opportunity and further initiatives should be undertaken,such as supporting new categories of investors to invest in high-growth companies.
The report outlines the various sources of EU financing available to Europe’s high-growth businesses, (including family and friends, accelerators, equity crowdfunding, business angels, venture capital, venture debt, public markets and public funding), but highlights that many of these are underused:
The report also includes an analysis of the main providers of risk capital for small innovative companies in Europe, showing that there is room for improvement in the European risk capital landscape.