IOSCO reports on implementation of G20/FSB recommendations to strengthen securities markets

08 November 2017

IOSCO published a report on the implementation of the G20/FSB post-crisis recommendations aimed at strengthening securities markets.

IOSCO’s Implementation Monitoring Report finds that most responding jurisdictions have taken steps to implement the G20/FSB recommendations and IOSCO guidance in each of the designated areas. Similar to last year, implementation is most advanced with respect to hedge funds, structured products and securitisation, and the oversight of credit rating agencies (CRAs). In the area of safeguarding the integrity and efficiency of markets, where progress in implementation has lagged, jurisdictions reported that they have undertaken some work to harmonise and strengthen their rules.

The report covers the following areas relating to securities markets:

• Hedge funds;

• Structured products and securitisation;

• Oversight of CRAs;

• Measures to safeguard the integrity and efficiency of markets; and

• Commodity derivative markets

Full report