EBF Position paper – ESMA Consultation TV perimeter
02 May 2022
The European Banking Federation (EBF) welcomes the opportunity to comment on ESMA’s draft “Opinion on Trading Venues’ Perimeter”.
general terms, we understand that ESMA’s intention is to provide more
clarity on the concept of “multilateral system” i.e. one of the most
important definitions in the MiFID 2 framework upon which the EU capital
markets is currently structured, and to further harmonise the
understanding of such concepts across the Union. However, having
carefully read the analysis and proposals presented in the Draft
Opinion, EBF members fear that ESMA will in fact achieve the opposite
result. Indeed, several of the examples and figures included in the
draft Opinion have left our members with a large number of new
questions, worries and a significant level of legal uncertainty.
In more details:
- ESMA makes a very extensive interpretation of the definition of
multilateral system that substantially differs from the wording of the
level 1 text, i.e. suggesting that it shall no longer be a criteria that
multiple trading interests should be able to interact within the
- From a CMU perspective it is very important to ensure that the MiFID
II framework allows different types of trading to co-exist on EU
capital markets in order to serve different clients’ needs.
- We would welcome further guidance on the definition of “trading
system” and “market operator”. We believe that a trading system must be
understood as a common set of rules to negotiate and conclude
transactions on financial instruments, imposed by the market operator,
to which all the participants in the system adhere without negotiation.
- In our view, a more cautious approach would be to let the market
participants focus on the implementation of the amendments to the MiFID
II and MiFIR and delay the issuance of level 3 opinion(s) until the
market has adjusted to new and amended binding rules and not until then
will it be possible to fully understand the impact of the proposals.