The blueprint describes TARGET2-Securities, which is a proposal for central securities depositories to use a common technical service that would execute settlement instructions. T2S would provide delivery versus payment for securities against central bank money. CSDs would maintain their relationships with intermediaries, investors and issuers, as well as their asset servicing function.
Furthermore, the Governing Council decided that T2S will be developed and operated within the Eurosystem on the TARGET2 platform in order to exploit synergies to the fullest extent. Four Eurosystem national central banks, Deutsche Bundesbank, Banco de España, Banque de France and Banca d’Italia, are ready to develop and operate T2S.
The Governing Council also decided to review the current Eurosystem collateral management handling procedures, in particular, the Correspondent Central Banking Model (CCBM). In the coming weeks, market participants will also be invited to contribute to the definition of the user requirements for this new procedure.
Press release
Operational feasibility study
Technical feasibility study
Economic feasibility study
Legal feasibility study