Solvency II
The Solvency II requirements for capital strength, balance-sheet consistency, risk-based capital, risk and solvency assessment, senior management accountability, and supervisory assessment comprise the biggest regulatory challenges facing the industry in Europe. In particular, the requirement to reserve additional regulatory capital to what is currently required on balance sheets commensurate with the insurers’ risk profiles of their investments, means sharp increases in the costs of holding equities and other asset classes considered to carry the most risk. High-quality government debt, other bonds with strong credit ratings and instruments with short maturity will, by contrast, be treated more favourably under Solvency II. This is likely to have an impact on asset allocation choices and the structures used by insurers.
The investment environment
Insurers must hold more capital as per the requirements of Solvency II to guard against the risk of insolvency. However, in a period of low economic growth and uncertainty, a need exists to balance the requirements of the capital regime with that of delivering income – in particular, insurers face the requirement to deliver income for support of the legacy book of business, which can include policyholder income guarantees. Finding and maintaining this balance between income generation and safeguarding against risk may be challenging.
Insurers, tax-transparent funds and asset pooling
The use of asset pooling through the operation of tax-transparent funds offers potential solutions to many of the challenges posed by this landscape, as well as an extremely versatile product solution for insurers. By holding investments including cross-border assets through a tax-transparent vehicle, insurers can pool together different investment assets for investors of multiple domiciles within a single vehicle. Suitable vehicles include: the Irish Common Contractual Fund; the Luxembourg Fonds Commun de Placement; the Dutch Fonds voor Gemene Rekening; and the UK Tax-Transparent Fund (shortly coming into effect).
Advantages of utilising tax-transparent funds in this way can include the following:
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