EIOPA sets out a framework for delivering better value for money in a consumer-centric way

30 November 2021

EIOPA considers that reliably putting consumer outcomes at the heart of product design, distribution and monitoring processes is critical for tackling value for money issues.

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) issued today a supervisory statement, which sets out the common principles needed so unit-linked products can offer value for money.

EIOPA considers that reliably putting consumer outcomes at the heart of product design, distribution and monitoring processes is critical for tackling value for money issues. Hence it has issued a supervisory statement to outline how supervisory authorities will monitor manufacturers’ and distributors’ product oversight and governance processes.

With this statement EIOPA highlights that while value for money is embedded already within product oversight and governance requirements, more convergence is needed in practical supervisory implementation. So, while the statement introduces no additional regulatory requirements, it clarifies the following main principles that EIOPA expects to see in their supervisory approach:

Overall EIOPA expects a risk-based approach – where the products which pose the greatest risk of consumer detriment due to poor value for money are given supervisory priority. Poor value for money can undermine the development of the single market, reduces the impact of capital markets union, and lowers household resilience to financial shocks over the longer term.

EIOPA and the national competent authorities will monitor the market to assess how well insurance product manufacturers ensure that customers receive fair value unit-linked products. Towards this goal, EIOPA is carrying out further work to develop a methodology to ensure a consistent assessment of value for money across the European Union and it will continue reporting on this aspect.