CEIOPS amended Framework on Solvency II Consultation

25 July 2005

The Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS) received an amended framework for the consultation of the Commission. The paper provides a revised Framework for Consultation for CEIOPS and other stakeholders in connection with the development of a new solvency system (Solvency II) for life assurance, non-life insurance and reinsurance undertakings.

The Framework for Consultation covers the totality of the Solvency II project. It sets out the policy principles and guidelines within which CEIOPS should develop its advice for the Solvency II project. In addition to the Framework for Consultation, CEIOPS has been requested to provide advice on detailed aspects of the new solvency system through “Specific Calls for Advice”, which are annexed to this Framework for Consultation.

Amended framework