Solvency II - first Quantitative Impact Study

18 October 2005

The Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pension Supervisors (CEIOPS) has issued the first Quantitative Impact Study to get insight into the possible quantitative impacts of this new solvency standard. The QIS1 focuses on the level of prudence in the current technical provisions, benchmarking them against some predefined confidence levels. The QIS1 package includes, a spreadsheet accompanied by specifications and guidance and term structures plus a qualitative questionnaire.

Deadline for responses is 31 December 2005. The next study (QIS2) is planned for the spring 2006 and will focus on solvency requirements.

QIS1 specification
QIS1 qualitative questionnaire
QIS1 spreadsheet guidance
QIS1 life and non-life
QIS1 life and non-life locked
QIS1 life and non-life tracked changes
QIS1 term structures