European Finance Forum 10 July 2012 - Another successful event

10 July 2012

Our European Finance Forum, this time discussing cross-border bank resolution and banking union, took place on the 10th July. Our thanks go to all the speakers for making it such a successful day. The next forum is planned for October - more details to follow nearer the time.

European Finance Forum

Tuesday 10 July 2012,  13.30 - 16.00

Venue: near the European Parliament, Brussels


Cross-border Bank Resolution / Banking Union


 Sharon Bowles MEP, ECON Chair (confirmed)

Paulina Dejmek, Member of Commissioner Barnier’s Cabinet (confirmed)

Costanza Bufalini, Head of European and Regulatory Affairs, Unicredit (confirmed)

Mark Venus, Head of Global Recovery and Resolution Programme, BNP Paribas (confirmed)

If you are not an EFF member or would like to attend, please contact the office.

© Graham Bishop