Public consultation on the revised IOPS principles of private pension supervision

06 July 2010

The revised IOPS Principles of Private Pension Supervision cover the main aspects of supervisory regime, including: resources, risk-based supervision, proportionality and consistency, confidentiality transparency and governance.

The Revised IOPS Principles of Private Pension Supervision cover the main aspects of a robust and efficient supervisory regime, including:
·         Objectives
·         Independence
·         Adequate Resources
·         Adequate Powers
·         Risk-based Supervision
·         Proportionality and Consistency
·         Consultation and Cooperation
·         Confidentiality
·         Transparency
·         Governance  
The Principles were initially approved in 2006. Revisions have been made to ensure compatibility with subsequent IOPS guidance and work and to reflect the changes in the financial, economic and supervisory environment.
The deadline for receiving comments is 3 September 2010. 
Full report

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