IIA: Feedback on OECD Principles of Corporate Governance

04 January 2015

The IIA supports the OECD’s efforts, which are intended to help governments and regulators evaluate and improve the legal, regulatory and institutional framework for corporate governance.

The current draft prepared by the Secretariat of the OECD Corporate Governance Committee incorporates insightful changes that reflect developments over the last decade affecting both the global corporate sector and capital markets. From IIA´s perspective, specific positive enhancements include:

In addition, IIA sees opportunities to incorporate foresight into the Principles to reflect anticipated developments in the corporate sector and capital markets. These include:

The Principles developed by the OECD are essential to ensuring effective corporate governance and IIA believes strongly that internal auditing, operating in accordance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, is a cornerstone of good governance. Given the relatively short time this exposure has been publicly available for comment, on behalf of IIA´s global membership and the internal audit profession as a whole, IIA respectfully requests an invitation to participate in a discussion to elaborate on how strong, independent and objective internal auditing is central to good corporate governance.

Full comment letter

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