FASB: Improvement of employer disclosures for multi-employer pension plans

27 July 2011

The FASB approved a revised accounting standard intended to provide more information about an employer's financial obligations to multi-employer pension plans.

Multiemployer pension plans commonly are used by an employer to provide benefits to union employees who may work for many employers during their working life, thereby enabling them to accrue benefits in a single pension plan for their retirement.

Prior to this action by the FASB, employers were required to disclose only their total contributions to all multiemployer plans in which they participate.

Last decisions conclude comprehensive deliberations about the disclosures an employer should provide. The FASB issued initial proposals for revising disclosures for public comment in September 2010.

As part of its redeliberations, the FASB decided to delete a proposal to require employers to disclose their withdrawal liability to all plans in which they participate, or provide a “point-in-time” estimate of its obligations with respect to the underfunded status of individual plans.

Pursuant to the FASB’s decisions, the new disclosures will include:
Press release