The Conceptual Framework sets out the concepts that underlie the preparation and presentation of financial statements. It identifies principles for the IASB to use when it develops and revises its IFRS.
The existing Conceptual Framework has enabled the IASB to develop high quality IFRS that have improved financial reporting. However, it does not cover some important areas and some guidance needs updating.
In 2011, the IASB carried out an extensive public consultation to assist in identifying priorities for its agenda. Most respondents to that consultation identified work on the Conceptual Framework as a high priority.
This Discussion Paper is designed to obtain initial views and comments on important issues that the IASB will consider as it develops an Exposure Draft of a revised Conceptual Framework. The issues include:
Commenting on the publication of the Discussion Paper, Hans Hoogervorst, Chairman of the IASB said: “The Conceptual Framework underpins the work of the IASB and affects all IFRS that we develop. This Discussion Paper gives people the opportunity to help us to shape the future of financial reporting by discussing the concepts that drive our work.”