EFRAG´s study from an economic consultancy used as input to its Endorsement Advice on IFRS 16 Leases

23 February 2017

EFRAG commissioned a study from an independent economic consultancy as an input to its Endorsement Advice on IFRS 16 Leases. EFRAG's Draft Endorsement Advice, which is open for comment until 13 March 2017, include various references to this study.

The aim of the study was to provide input into EFRAG's analysis of potential changes in the behaviour of preparers, investors and lenders arising from IFRS 16 and the economic impact of such changes including on the leasing industry and SMEs. The study also considered the estimated costs and benefits of IFRS 16.
The study, which involved desktop research, primary data gathering and analysis (including interviews with 186 lessees and 90 lenders / lessors and other stakeholder interviews) addressed the following questions:

Full study

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