EFRAG: Draft comment letter on proposed amendments to the IFRS Foundation Due Process Handbook

14 June 2019

EFRAG has published its draft comment letter in response to the IFRS Foundation's Exposure Draft Proposed amendments to the IFRS Foundation Due Process Handbook and seeks constituents' views on the proposals.

The IFRS Foundation Due Process Handbook (Handbook) sets out the due process procedures that apply to the IASB and the IFRS IC. The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation committee - the Due Process Oversight Committee (DPOC) - is responsible for monitoring the IASB and the IFRS IC compliance with these due process procedures. The DPOC also reviews and, if necessary, amends the due process procedures in the light of changing due process conventions and comments from stakeholders.

On 29 April 2019 the IFRS Foundation issued an Exposure Draft Proposed amendments to the IFRS Foundation Due Process Handbook (the ED) with a comment period ending on 29 July 2019.

The ED's main proposed amendments to the Handbook are to:

In its draft comment letter EFRAG acknowledges that most of the proposals in the ED provide necessary clarifications to the existing processes, reflect recent developments in working practices and improve internal consistency and understandability of the Due Process Handbook.
However, EFRAG suggests that for major projects, detailed effect analysis reports should be issued at each stage when key due process documents are issued.
EFRAG is also concerned about the ambiguity of the status and objectives of IFRS IC agenda decisions. EFRAG considers that the IASB should ensure in its due process that agenda decisions only contain explanatory material and references to the mandatory content of IFRS Standards and that diversity in practice and IFRS-like guidance is addressed through standard-setting such as through the annual improvements process. EFRAG also raises concerns about the proposed Board agenda decisions.

EFRAG requests comments on its draft responses to the questions raised in the ED by 12 July 2019.

Full press release

Full draft comment letter

© EFRAG - European Financial Reporting Advisory Group