IASB proposes improvements to fair value measurements

15 October 2008

The IASB consults on an exposure draft on amendments to IFRS 7 to enhance disclosures about valuations, methodologies and the uncertainty associated with fair value measurements. The amendments would affect the fair value and liquidity risk disclosures.

The IASB consults on an exposure draft on amendments to IFRS 7 to enhance disclosures about valuations, methodologies and the uncertainty associated with fair value measurements. The amendments also clarify and enhance existing disclosure requirements about the nature and extent of liquidity risk.


Fair Value disclosures:

The exposure draft proposes amendments to disclosure requirements that are based on a three-level fair value hierarchy (similar to that used in SFAS 157).


The amendments would apply to financial instruments and require disclosures about:



Liquidity risk disclosures:

This exposure draft proposes amendments to IFRS 7 that would:


The IASB proposes an effective date of 1 July 2009.

Deadline for comments is 15 December 2008.


Press release

Exposure Draft



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